关于我们 » 本堂的历史


圣菲利塔斯教区 & Perpetua began on October 18, 1938. Father William Fox (a native of Ireland) arrived from Newport Beach, California to begin this new parish. The first Mass was celebrated in the mission church of St. 施洗约翰, located at 3104 Foothill Boulevard in Pasadena, even though the permanent site of the parish was to be in San Marino, CA. Since the mission was not centrally located, 位于科罗拉多大道附近塞拉马德雷大道的帕萨迪纳妇女俱乐部被租来做弥撒和其他宗教仪式. 福克斯爸爸在南街195号租了一所房子. Sunnyslope which was nearby the Women’s Club.
In 1939, 洛杉矶大主教在圣马力诺帕洛马路1190号圣盖博大道和亨廷顿大道的西北角附近购买了三英亩土地. 这三英亩的土地上有许多巨大的橡树和百年历史的土坯房,被称为卡萨布兰卡. 土坯进行了翻新,并进行了改造,以提供底层的礼拜堂(教堂)和顶层的教区长室. Although the church was small, it fulfilled the needs of the parish until 1947. 第二次世界大战结束时, the parish had grown in numbers and the need for a larger church was apparent. 建造新教堂的许可获得批准,10月19日举行了奠基仪式, 1947.
Construction took less than one year with completion and dedication on July 18 of 1948. The church was built in the early Italian style of reinforced concrete with a tile roof. 沿着教堂的南侧建造了一座美丽的钟楼,可以看到一英里. Inside the main body of the church are placed thirty-two beautiful, 五彩缤纷的彩色玻璃窗,是教区许多家庭bet365中文的. A circular stained glass window in the back of the church, 描绘基督的复活, shines brilliantly in the afternoon sun. Casa Blanca仍然是牧师的住所,但空出的教堂(第一个教堂)成为社交大厅. Besides parish luncheons and dinners, school events also took place there as well as Boy and Girl Scout meetings. A new rectory was completed in 1962, and the adobe was demolished to conform to San Marino zoning rules. The original tiles of the adobe were used to tile the new rectory.
圣菲利斯塔斯 & Perpetua 学校 was completed and dedicated in 1950. 两层钢筋混凝土结构由八个年级的房间和一个幼儿园组成. The convent was completed in 1963, and the Social Center shortly thereafter. Both buildings were constructed in the same style as the church, rectory and school.
1950年,耶稣圣名修女会和圣母圣名修女会从拉蒙娜修道院来到学校,一直到1981年. 当时, 耶稣至圣心加尔默罗会修女会在修道院居住,并在学校工作. The Carmelite Sisters served our school community through June 2008.
In March of 1974, Father Lawrence J. 吉布森成为了牧师. 他为教区带来了组织的新动力,并建立或振兴了许多团体,使每个教区居民都有可能参与. In place of the Holy Name Society and Altar Society, which had their beginnings with the establishment of the parish, a parish council (which served as a coordinating council) was inaugurated in July of 1974. The church itself was completely renovated inside and out; the grounds were largely replanted except for the camellia borders of the church. 1986年,吉布森神父在教区办公室里增加了基督教教义协会的办公室. In 1987, new school offices, a computer lab and new library facilities were completed. 吉布森主教在服务社会29年半后,于2003年6月底退休. 一个大的, bronze statue of bet365中文, 由克里斯·斯拉托夫雕刻, was dedicated to Monsignor Gibson on March 7, 2004.
2003年7月,理查德·卢米斯主教成为bet365中文教区的第三任牧师. 2004年2月,卢米斯主教开始休假,直到他六年任期结束. Bishop Joseph Sartoris was appointed administrator for six months. Father Albert DiUlio, SJ succeeded the Bishop for six months.
1月17日, 2005, Father Paul Fitzpatrick was appointed as Administrator to complete Monsignor Loomis’ term. During his four and one-half years as Administrator, Father Paul and the staff and community brought about new life and growth. The parish enrollment increased and the entire plant was refurbished. Contemporary landscape was completed which gave a new look to the plant. 新的彩色玻璃补充了现有的上层彩色玻璃窗,取代了教堂下层窗户上的临时玻璃. The social center (renamed the “Msgr. Lawrence Gibson Parish Center”) was renovated and updated. 未使用的图书馆和视频图书馆被彻底改造,变成了圣礼课程和成人信仰形成所需的会议室. The parish offices were reconfigured and updated to provide more services for the people.
在2008年的夏天, the restrooms in the parish center and school building were completely remodeled, 我们为计算机实验室购买了所有的新计算机,并对我们的电气和水系统进行了重大维修和改进. 在2009年的夏天, a new sound system was installed in the church, the exteriors of the church and school were repainted, the parking lot and driveways were repaired, and technology improvements were made to all the classrooms in the school.
2009年7月1日. Paul Fitzpatrick was named Pastor of the Parish. Now that so much has been accomplished in the parish plant, 我们现在的注意力集中在发展我们的学校和教区的外行领导与咨询学校董事会和教区议会.

From the Dedication Souvenir Booklet, July 18, 1948
当福克斯神父开始和你的建筑师讨论新教堂的时候,第一个问题就是要建什么样的建筑. Because our religion is so completely intertwined with the traditions of history, 自然,早期的建筑风格之一可以作为设计的灵感. This did not mean that we must live and suffer with the inconveniences of the historical past, 但是,把我们现代的生活方式与教堂早期建造的那些伟大建筑的虔诚气氛和设计相结合是完全相容的.
因此,我们采用了早期的意大利建筑风格,并将其表达为带有永久瓦屋顶的钢筋混凝土的现代媒介. Accentuating the design is a tower which is hoped will later be used for a carillon. The interior has a devotional atmosphere with its length accentuated by carrying the nave through the sanctuary to the rear of the altar; thus bringing the altar into close relationship with the communicants of the church. 墙壁的上部用隔音灰泥处理,整个教堂的两侧都有双窗户. Under each pair of windows the Stations of the Cross are incorporated in cast stone plaques. It is hoped that elaborate stain glass will soon be available for these windows.
The sanctuary is of generous proportions, has terrazzo floors; the altars, altar rail and pulpit being of marble. 圣所的两侧是充足的牧师和祭坛男孩的圣器,工作室和存储空间. The nave has a seating capacity of 700 and has liberal aisles. The choir loft affords additional seating facilities, and spaces are provided on each side for installing a pipe organ at some future date. The baptistry opens into the nave on the Gospel side. Three confessionals have been provided, two in the nave of the church and the third in the base of the tower.
The comfort of the congregation has been a primary consideration. 长椅是双曲线型的,有软垫的膝盖,间距可以提供自由的方便. 已经安装了一个完整的供暖和通风系统,在夏季提供凉爽的通风,在较冷的月份提供适度的热量.
Palomar路的主入口采用了双层台阶,作为通往建筑主入口的三对门的入口. 从亨廷顿大道和从停车场向北的侧门提供额外的便利. 新建筑周围的区域将被美化,以协调美丽的环境和历史悠久的老橡树的背景,这些老橡树现在装饰着地面.
It has been our intention to present to SS. Felicitas and Perpetua Parish a building which combines economy of plan and construction, utility and efficiency of operation. If this has been accomplished in the eyes of the parishioners, the greatest measure of success is due, 感谢狐狸爸爸和他忠实的助手给予我们的不懈合作和努力. Our thanks also go to the Steed Brothers, 工程承办商, who have given faithful service without regard to time and effort, 圣马力诺市议会, 并致先生. G.H. 克朗希,圣马力诺的建筑主管,我很高兴与他合作.
G. 劳伦斯·奥特,M. L. 巴克、建筑师